TECHNICAL REPORT Published: 2024

Methodology Used to Update the Gasoline Volatility Schedule for US Seasonal and Geographic Classes

A team of stakeholders from the Volatility Task Force of ASTM Subcommittee D02.A developed a revision to the seasonal and geographic volatility schedule for gasoline in the United States. The proposed revisions are based on agreed methodology for changes originating from weather data shifts over 20 year averaged hot and cold extreme temperatures for areas in the U.S. Table 4 in the gasoline standard D4814 has volatility entries for every U.S. state for every month (two entries for the first and second halves of September). This results in 650 volatility limits to review and update if determined a revision is needed. The Volatility Task Force carefully reviewed each of these limits using agreed protocols and determined by consensus that 155 (about 24%) should be changed, with most changes reflecting a decrease in volatility from the original table reflecting a conservative approach. The proposed changes were then reviewed by stakeholders such as fuel producers, pipelines, automakers, and regulators, for feasibility and reasonableness. The proposed changes were balloted by the ASTM D02.A Subcommittee and were accepted by consensus voting of the subcommittee and main committee in December 2023. These changes to Table 4 will be reflected in the 2024 version of ASTM Standard D4814 for spark ignition engine fuel. The task force also specifically improved the information in Section 5 and the Table 4 notes to make the information more internationally applicable.

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Developed by Committee: D02
DOI: 10.1520/TR4-EB