This method covers a procedure for determination of the percent relative crystallinity of Mordenite (MOR) zeolite using selected peaks from the X-Ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of the zeolite. The method provides a number that is the ratio of intensity of a portion of the XRD pattern of the sample MOR to intensity of the corresponding portion of the pattern of a reference MOR. The intensity ratio, expressed as a percentage, is then labeled relative crystallinity/MOR. This type of comparison is commonly used in zeolite technology and is often referred to as percent crystallinity.
mordenite; zeolite; x-ray diffraction,
Mordentite is used commercially and a robust analytical method is needed.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 10-12-2005
Technical Contact: Thomas Szymanski
Item: 000