It has been requested by a producer of B16.9 fittings that ASTM change the chemical composition of ASTM A420 Grade WPL6 from a Mn range of 0.50-1.35% to 0.50-1.45%. This change would allow the producer to improve its supply of A516 Grade 55 plate, which is typically the raw material used for large OD, welded, WPL6 B16.9 fittings. Currently A516 allows up to 1.50% Mn based on adjustments associated with C content. A maximum of 1.45% Mn is suggested for A420 Grade WPL6 to align the upper limit with A860 (Mn 1.00-1.45%). It should be noted that A860 Grade WPHY42 meets the tensile and Charpy impact requirements of WPL6.
Date Initiated: 05-21-2024
Technical Contact: Kenneth Albano
Item: 000