Work Item
ASTM WK90418

Revision of D5228-16(2023) Standard Test Method for Determination of Butane Working Capacity of Activated Carbon


In Sections 14.2 and 14.3, ‘in Percent' should be removed from the Precision limit statements, because r and R should be expressed in the same units as the measurements analyzed and interpreted as the maximum acceptable difference as stated versus being interpreted as a percentage of the overall mean. For example, the maximum acceptable difference between labs for Working Charge g/100 mL, weight/vol for Sample C is 2.06 g/100 mL, not 2.06% of 7.88167 g/100 mL which is less than 1 SD.


Developed by Subcommittee: D28.04

Committee: D28

Staff Manager: Kelly Paul

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 04-23-2024

Technical Contact: Brandon Bentley

Item: 000

