Work Item
ASTM WK88416

Revision of A123/A123M-17 Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products


Occasionally, steel products may visually resemble products fabricated from a different type of material or process of manufacture. Examples include poles made from bent plate or beams and angles fabricated from plate. The language in Appendix X.1 is proposed to provide additional clarity regarding the assignment of material category (as defined in 3.2.5) for such products. Where products are assigned the incorrect material category, the coating thickness grade may be incorrectly identified.

To determine the minimum average coating thickness requirement in Table 1, measured steel thickness is utilized instead of nominal thickness due to differences between measured and nominal steel thickness which are significant for the hot-dip galvanizing process. However, the existing verbiage does not address correct identification of coating thickness grade for products with multiple thicknesses which can be measured (tapered designs, or hot-rolled beams and channels where webs are thinner than flanges). Additionally, in some cases the measured thickness is not always practically available. The language in Appendix A.2 is proposed to provide additional clarity regarding minimum average coating thickness requirements and suggested guidance for determining requirements when measured thickness is not practically available.


Developed by Subcommittee: A05.13

Committee: A05

Staff Manager: Kristy Straiton

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 11-07-2023

Technical Contact: Alana Fossa

Item: 000

