Work Item
ASTM WK87924

Withdrawal of D3846-08(2015) Standard Test Method for In-Plane Shear Strength of Reinforced Plastics


This standard is being balloted for withdrawal with no replacement because D20.18 sub-committee agreed to withdraw the standard D3846-2008(2015) Test Method for In-Plane Shear Strength of Reinforced Plastics due to a lack of interest in using this standard to determine the in-plane shear strength. For that reason, we ballot this standard to withdraw the standard. If you, or your organization, have an interest in maintaining this standard, please vote negative with the intent to take on the necessary balloting action to reapprove or revise. The subcommittee is very willing to provide support and guidance!


Developed by Subcommittee: D20.18

Committee: D20

Staff Manager: Alyson Fick

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 09-19-2023

Technical Contact: Bhyrav Mutnuri