Work Item
ASTM WK87157

Revision of D4739-17 Standard Test Method for Base Number Determination by Potentiometric Hydrochloric Acid Titration


This standard is due for reapproval. During the review there were editorial changes identified to update the terminology section according to current Form and Style requirements and improvements to sections 2, 7, 9, 14, and 15 to align with other CS6A standards. As no other changes are proposed in this ballot, only those sections requiring editorial updates are included. Changes are summarized in a table for clear viewing of current wording, proposed changes, clean version, and rational for the change (red strikethrough for removed text and bolded blue font for revised content).
NOTE: The inclusion of the Terminology Standard (ASTM D4175) was addressed in a previous ballot (subcommittee D0206 23-01 item 2 and passed to main).
This is the second time this change has been balloted. First subcommittee ballot generated 3 negatives and 4 comments that have been addressed in this ballot. Changes are explained with updated rational that is initial and dated in purple font.


Developed by Subcommittee: D02.06

Committee: D02

Staff Manager: Alyson Fick

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 07-14-2023

Technical Contact: Larry Tucker