Work Item
ASTM WK87041

New Test Methods for Measuring Length and Width of Industrial Hemp Fibers

1. Scope

The scope is to create standards and test methods to enable standardized measurement of different types of hemp fibers. These will include the
* range of suitable industrial hemp fiber samples,
* preparation of samples to enable measurements according to the test methods, as well as
* detailed steps of running the measurement of a sample
* reporting criteria for the results of individual data
* length of fibers
* width (or thickness or diameter) of fibers
* cross-section of fibers
* hurd and trash content of samples
The scope does NOT include
* processing steps for industrial hemp and industrial hemp fibers.


fiber bundles; fiber bundle; decorticated; refined; degummed; characterization; hurd; shive; cottonized; fibre bundle; elemental fiber; ultimate fiber; technical fiber


These standards will be used by companies that trade in (buy or sell) industrial hemp fibers that need to fulfill quality requirements and certificates of analysis. Also, these standards are useful for academic research and development.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: D37.07

Committee: D37

Staff Manager: Jimmy Farrell

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 07-06-2023

Technical Contact: Olaf Isele

Item: 000

