Work Item
ASTM WK85863

New Specification for Tiny Houses on Wheels

1. Scope

This standard will provide minimum requirements for design construction including prescriptive and performance compliance methods for tiny houses on wheels for temp and permanent occupancy.


THOW; caravans; relocatable buildings; transportable homes; Micro Homes; THOWS; small home; wheeled unit; Tiny Home; Granny units; Bunkies; Inlaw suite; Auxiliary Dwelling Unit; ADU


Globally, we share common challenges for the allowance of tiny houses. Defining tiny houses and developing standards with ASTM that are unique to the tiny house industry will eliminate the barriers that tiny houses are facing and will establish uniformity and the universal acceptance that tiny houses are a viable housing solution. At this time, there is not one unified industry standard that is recognized for tiny houses on wheels and each country, district, province, state, jurisdiction, consumer, bank, insurance agency, builder, government official, legislators, municipal and elected officials could have a different definition and criteria to deny or allow them.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: E06.26

Committee: E06

Staff Manager: Frank McConnell

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 04-06-2023

Technical Contact: Jerry Terry

Item: 000

