Content relocation and repetition deletion – No content changes.
The purpose of this ballot is to modify Section 6 (Pre-Design Phase) so that it includes only content specific to the pre-design phase. This ballot:
1. Relocates content stated in Section 6 that is not specific to the pre-design phase. Content is relocated to earlier sections such that it applies to other sections.
2. Removes repetitive language to avoid conflicts within ASTM E2947 and E2813, and to make the document clearer by being concise and precise.
This ballot also relocates language in Section 4 that defines BECx terms to Section 3 (Terminology), when the terms are introduced. This unites related content, clarifying the document and avoiding conflicts. The intent is to define specific BECx work to occur during each phase in Sections 6 to 10.
Date Initiated: 03-09-2023
Technical Contact: Matthew Normandeau
Item: 014
Ballot: E06 (23-02)
Status: In Balloting