Work Item
ASTM WK85121

New Practice for Additive Manufacturing -- Nondestructive Examination of Polymeric and Nonmetallic Additively Manufactured Parts After Build

1. Scope

• To apply, develop and determine conventional/advanced/emerging NDE capability to detect/characterize
relevant defects/flaws specific to technological 3D printing processes.
• To determine the testing and inspection requirements for such parts used in aerospace, medical and
automotive applications to establish product quality and integrity and provide a detailed procedure to qualify
AM plastic parts.


NDE; Plastic; Polymer; Practice; Inspection; Additive Manufacturing


There are no specific inspection standards for AM plastics parts including PLA, ABS, PEEK, PEI and others with similar properties. Also, some composites based on microparticle and continuous carbon fibres such as CFR, PAI and nylon matrix resin are not covered by standards and those could be weighed up.
The standard is aimed to develop and determine conventional/advanced/emerging NDE methods that have demonstrated the capability to detect and characterize relevant defects/flaws specific to technologically important 3D printing processes. Determining the testing and inspection requirements for such parts used in aerospace, medical and automotive applications, where in premium is placed on product quality and integrity, will provide much needed procedural detail to qualify AM plastic parts. For example, polymeric AM parts slated for use in aerospace applications will be tailored to meet NASA-STD-6030.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F42.01

Committee: F42

Staff Manager: Pat Picariello

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 02-01-2023

Technical Contact: Wilson Vesga Rivera

Item: 000

