This practice relates to feedstock qualification, handling and management. The work item review potential effects of moisture on AM manufacturing and part properties. The document will provide methods to evaluate the effect of moisture on powder feedstock properties and determine the sensitivity of the powder feedstock properties and characteristics to moisture. The work item will provide methodology to control the quality of the powder feedstock and approach to evaluate the maximum level of moisture that could be tolerated in powder feedstock. The methodology could be applied to different powder feedstocks, AM fabrication processes and machines.
AM; flowability; spreadability; density
The standard will provide a methodology to assess the effect of moisture in different AM powder feedstocks. It is recognized that humidity may affect the properties of metallic powders such as the flowability, spreadability, density and composition and impact AM processes. Variations of moisture content may affect the final part integrity, composition and properties along with process reliability, stability and productivity. Evaluating the sensitivity of the powder feedstock to moisture and the effect of moisture on powder feedstock properties is essential to set allowance criteria.
This standard will provide a standardized approach to monitor the effect of moisture and evaluate the sensitivity of the powders to moisture. The standard will help determine the maximum level of moisture that could be tolerated in powder feedstock methodologies to control the quality of the powder feedstock. The methodology could be applied to different powder feedstocks, AM fabrication processes and machines
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 08-15-2022
Technical Contact: Louis-Philippe Lefebvre
Item: 000