1.1 This practice covers the basic principles and operating procedures for using metal halide light and water apparatus intended to reproduce weathering effects. This practice is limited to the procedures for obtaining, measuring, and controlling conditions of exposure.
1.2 Test specimens are exposed to filtered metal halide light under controlled environmental conditions. Different types of metal halide light sources and different filter combinations are described.
high-ultra violet irradiance,
Metal halide artificial sources with a wide range of spectral and intensity properties are being promoted for use in artificial weathering devices. Standardization is needed to differentiate the various types of metal halide sources and recommend best practices for their use. This standard is targeted to manufacturers, test laboratories, and industrial end users of weathering devices.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 06-21-2022
Technical Contact: Doug Vermillion
Item: 000