This procedure is designed to describe the basic operation of the conductive deposit test. The apparatus is utilized to monitor the formation of dendrites and deposits that are conductive and may form under oxidation conditions of fluids used in electric vehicles and other industries where electronics are involved. The oxidation conditions can vary from 40 – 180 °C with very specific circuit boards, under power, and monitoring changes in conductance over time. Both the liquid and vapor areas are monitored for this condition over time. Variables in temperature, voltage and time can be altered according to the industry need. A reported index based on the rate of deposit formation may be implemented. The typical testing is performed at 150 °C over a period of up to 1000 hours with a monitored voltage applied.
copper; corrosion; electric vehicle; transmission; wire; oxidation; resistance measurement
The increased use of copper in electric vehicle applications such as motor windings and interconnects has raised the importance of corrosion resistance for fluids that potentially can contact such copper substrates. This proposed test quantitatively measures the rate of corrosion in copper exposed to test fluids at various temperatures. Both liquid and vapor exposure is included in this test method.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 06-20-2022
Technical Contact: Gregory Miiller
Item: 000