ASTM Standard E1512 (Standard Test Methods for Testing Bond Performance of Bonded Anchors) was re-approved in 2015. This standard currently addresses adhesive bonded anchors in both concrete and masonry only. No other types of anchors are included in this standard. However, ASTM Standard E488 (Standard Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete Elements) already addresses adhesive bonded anchors in concrete, along with other types of post-installed and cast-in-place anchors. This standard was updated in 2022. Since ASTM E488 addresses all anchor types in concrete, the E06.13 subcommittee decided that ASTM E1512 should be revised to address all anchor types in masonry. In other words, ASTM E1512 should become the masonry equivalent of ASTM E488. To that end, a draft of a revised E1512 has been prepared, using ASTM E488 as the basis for the document. That draft is attached. The subcommittee feels that the draft should go to a subcommittee ballot to gather additional subcommittee input, even though section 3 and section 6 of the draft are not completed.
Date Initiated: 03-18-2022
Technical Contact: Chris Lavine
Item: 001
Ballot: E06.13 (22-01)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution