This practice provides a method for measuring the efficacy of stormwater control measures in removing pollutants from natural stormwater runoff in a field setting using automated composite samplers. This practice is intended to be used with pollutants that do not require grab sampling techniques.
Pollutant removal performance; stormwater treatment
This practice will provide a standardized method for evaluating the pollutant removal capabilities of stormwater control measures. Data collected following this practice will allow for a side-by-side pollutant removal comparison of stormwater control measures. In addition, data will provide confidence that the stormwater control measure will provide a water quality benefit.
Users include researchers, stormwater equipment manufacturers, regulators, and developers.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 02-07-2022
Technical Contact: Carla Milesi
Item: 000