Work Item
ASTM WK78747

New Guide for Forensic Examination of Fibers

1. Scope

This document is an introduction to the fiber examinations in forensic casework. It is intended to assist individuals who conduct forensic fiber analyses in their evaluation, selection, and application of tests that can be of value to their examinations. This document is not intended as a detailed process description or rigid scheme for the analysis and comparison of fibers but as a guide to the strengths and limitations of each analytical technique. The goal is to provide a consistent approach to forensic fiber analysis. Detailed descriptions of procedures for many of the techniques are addressed in separate documents (E2224, E2225, E2227, E2228).


analytical scheme; fabric; cloth; polymer; natural fiber


This is intended to assist forensic personnel in creating analytical schemes for various types of fiber analyses.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: E30.01

Committee: E30

Staff Manager: Brian Milewski

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 10-28-2021

Technical Contact: Jennifer Remy

Item: 000

