Work Item
ASTM WK76038

New Test Method for Additive Manufacturing of Metals -- Non-destructive testing and evaluation -- Porosity Measurement with X-ray CT

1. Scope

This test method covers instruction for determine the calibration of porosity measurement with X-ray CT and using this information to measure porosity of metal additively manufactured parts after build with X-ray CT. The calibration is based on an examination of a reference artefact with known porosity, and data analytics with machine learning algorithms.


Non-destructive Test; Internal defects; porosity analysis; measurement traceability; quality assurance


The density and porosity are critical for the mechanical strength and function of the 3D printed parts. Various non-destructive evaluation (NDE) techniques have been developed for volume and porosity measurements. Most of them are not able to provide detailed information of pores, such as size, distribution and shape, but this detailed information is very important and even key to the quality of AM parts. X-ray CT is one of the most promising NDE techniques for such detailed information. Currently there is a lack of methodology and standards for traceable volume and porosity measurements/characterizations with X-ray CT. This standard will provide an instruction for calibration and measurement of porosity of AM parts for quality assurance of AM products.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F42.01

Committee: F42

Staff Manager: Pat Picariello

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 02-24-2021

Technical Contact: Shengkai Yu

Item: 000

