Work Item
ASTM WK69462

Revision of F2907-15 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Sling Carriers


A task group has been formed to examine a number of products on the market including babywearing garments/shirts and kangaroo care devices meant for skin to skin holding, fall prevention, and increased nursing rates. The aim of the task group is to determine whether these products can fit into the existing 2907 standard, whether the standard requires modification, or whether there is a more appropriate space for some/all of these products. *Expected ballot date revised as COVID19 procedures limited in person research that was started in 2020.


Developed by Subcommittee: F15.21

Committee: F15

Staff Manager: Molly Lynyak

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 08-08-2019

Technical Contact: Kristina Hayes-Devlin

Item: 000

