Work Item
ASTM WK62744

New Practice for General Operations Manual for Professional Operator of Light Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

1. Scope

This standard defines the requirements for General Operations Manual for Professional Operator of Light Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). The standard addresses the requirements and/or best practices for documentation and organization of a professional operator (i.e., for compensation and hire). The intent is for this standard to support professional entities that will receive operator certification by a CAA, and provide standards of practice for self- or third-party audit of operators of UAS Not all CAAs have operator certificates. This would provide a standard for operators and identify gaps that are not currently addressed as it relates to: (1)Individuals, who are currently remote pilots (i.e. FAA under Part 107) in jurisdictions that do not separately certify Operators, who want to voluntarily comply with a higher standard, and (2)Operators, who are seeking certification from a CAA for Light Unmanned Aircraft Systems, who want to voluntarily comply with an industry standard (3)Public agencies interested in developing unmanned aircraft systems programs.




None Provided

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F38.03

Committee: F38

Staff Manager: Mary Mikolajewski

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 03-13-2018

Technical Contact: Jonathan Daniels

Item: 000

