Work Item
ASTM WK61763

New Guide for Training for Remote Pilot Instructor (RPI) of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Endorsement

1. Scope

To develop an ASTM standard that defines the requirements for Training for Remote Pilot Instructor (RPI) of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Endorsement. The guide describes the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to safely instruct remote pilots to operate unmanned aircraft for commercial purposes. A CAA may, at their discretion, use this guide to aid the development of regulations.


remote pilot, instructor, remote pilot instructor, uas, training, endorsement


a.Identify gaps that are not currently addressed as it relates to: (1)Individuals, who are currently manned pilots (i.e., FAA Part 61 or EASA FCL certificate holders), interested in pursuing academic programs and professional opportunities as a remote pilot instructor, (2)Individuals, who are currently remote pilots (i.e. FAA under Part 107, CASA RePL under Part 101) in jurisdictions that do not separately certify RPIs, who want to voluntarily comply with a higher standard, and (3)Individuals, who are currently remote pilot instructors (i.e. SA CAA RPI under Part 101), who want to voluntarily comply with a higher standard (4)Public agencies that self-certify remote pilot instructor interested in developing unmanned aircraft systems programs. b.The scope of the Remote Pilot Instructor Endorsement standard will include: (1)Focus between small UAS (below 55 lbs. as defined by the FAA and less than 150kg as codified by EC Regulation No 216/2008) but the task group will consider Light UAS (below 1322lbs/600kg as defined by EASA) for possible applicability using other methods of classification (i.e, risk based classes and pilot privalages classes). (2)Integration of NCATT Task and Knowledge Levels to harmonize within ASTM. (3)Identify flight operations outside the scope of this guide that will likely require additional knowledge, experience, and training, and set the foundation for future revisions within the F38.03 subcomittee.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F38.03

Committee: F38

Staff Manager: Mary Mikolajewski

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 01-10-2018

Technical Contact: Jonathan Daniels

Item: 000

