This test method covers the use of 2N1486 silicon bipolar transistors as 1-MeV(Si) equivalent neutron fluence sensors and as dosimetry sensors in the determination of neutron energy spectra in the 1-MeV(Si) eqv. fluence range between 1 10^10 n/cm^2 to 1 10^12 n/cm^2.
neutron dosimetry, displacement damage, neutron damage, radiation hardness, silicon transistors, spectrum sensors
This standard is needed to provide silicon displacement damage effects researchers an effective means of quantifying 1-MeV(Si) eqv. neutron fluence in circumstances where other means are not practical at an increased sensitivity to neutron fluence when compared with the existing standard test method: E1855-15 Standard Test Method for Use of 2N2222A Silicon Bipolar Transistors as Neutron Spectrum Sensors and Displacement Damage Monitors.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 06-05-2017
Technical Contact: Andrew Tonigan
Item: 000